(免費首年公司秘書代表 + 提供開辦商業銀行戶口 + 免費1小時公司理財咨詢服務)
- 公司名稱查冊
- 代往政府部門遞表及交收文件
- 準備及遞交首任董事、秘書、認股人、地址之文件
- 公司章程20本
- 法定詳記錄冊一本
- 股票一本
- 原子印章、支票印、簽收圓印一個
- 會計師證明副本 (價值$500)
- 全套精美綠盒
- 免費首年公司秘書代表 常見問題:甚麼是公司秘書?
- 免費預約及安排開辦商業銀行戶口
- 提供免費一小時公司理財咨詢服務 (須於提取公司綠盒當天使用是次服務)
- 公司註冊費HK$1,720
- 商業登記費HK$2,250
- 註冊全新香港有限公司需時約八個工作天 (以收取客人簽回政府文件之日期計算)
- 公司中,英文名稱
- 股東,董事身份證或護照複印件及地址證明
- 公司註冊地址(Virtual Office)
- 公司法定秘書身份證複印件,如秘書為公司時,提供註冊證書和商業登記證複印件
Deloitte member firms offer services in the following functions, with country-specific variations on their legal implementation (i. e., all operating within a single company or through separate legal entities operating as subsidiaries of an umbrella legal entity for the country). The 2015 revenue shares are listed in parentheses.[4]
- Audit (28%): Provides the organization's traditional accounting and audit services, as well as internal auditing and IT control assurance.[44]
- Consulting (35%): Assists clients by providing services in the areas of enterprise applications, technology integration, strategy & operations, human capital, and short-term outsourcing.[45]
- Financial Advisory (9%): Provides corporate finance services to clients, including dispute, personal and commercial bankruptcy, forensics, e-discovery, document review, advisory, capital projects consulting and valuation services.[46][47]
- Enterprise Risk (10%): Provides offerings in enterprise risk management, information security and privacy, data quality and integrity, project risk and business continuity management.[48]
- Tax (19%): Helps clients increase their net asset value, undertake the transfer pricing and international tax activities of multinational companies, minimize their tax liabilities, implement tax computer systems, and provides advisory of tax implications of various business decisions.[49]